Ashoka Unsubscribe Form

To stop receiving the below types of messages from us, select the type of messages and enter any information that is required for us to process your request.

You may add additional relevant information to the Comments box below. Please consider that we may be sending to an old address of yours that has been forwarded, or to an email alias that you are part of (for example, 'info@', 'sales@' and so on) and ensure that we have sufficient information to process your request.

If you are submitting this on behalf of someone else, you will have an option to enter your information so we may contact you if additional information is required to process this request.  
Once unsubscribed, you may still receive transactional emails from us such as order or shipping confirmations.
Receipient Contact Details
If you do not include an email, we cannot contact you if there is a problem
with your request
Email address is required to unsubscribe from email messages. 
Recipient Mailing Address
You will need to enter the email or physical address to which we sent the mail. If the provided name and email/address do not match our records, we cannot unsubscribe them.
Your Contact Information 
This information will only be used if we have a question about your request
If you do not include your email, we cannot contact you if there is a problem
with your request

If you have questions about how Ashoka handles your data or wish to exercise your data subject rights, please contact

if you delete these fields, things will break, and you may need to rebuild your form. 

dont say we didnt warn you!
Optional Fields - Required For Confirmation Email
dotmailer campaigns used for confirmation must be set as triggered campaigns, and must not contain social share / forward links (and a few other types).  See here for more details.

internal note - if user wants to include response alias in dotmailer notification, we need to modify the connectors manually at present.